Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It's A Girl!!!!

My daughter-in-law had an ultrasound today. We found out she is having a girl!!! Yippppeeeee!!!! I have 3 boys and 3 grandsons, now there will be a little girl to spoil. I can't wait to get to knitting for her. She is due in January and will have several new knit things to wear I'm sure. Everything thing looks good at this point with baby and mommy, that is really the most important thing!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Finally Some Pictures!

Here is a picture of Jim and I and our oldest grandson. Not the best picture but it is what I have. Usually I am the one behind the camera so I'm not in many pictures!

Here is my oldest son, Barry; his wife, Andrea and their son, Caden. They just celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary a few days ago. They also just bought their first house! I
haven't even seen it yet. Hopefully today or tomorrow. They are expecting another baby in January. We should know what it is on Tuesday!!! Lots of good things for them.

Well that is it for now. Keep checking back as I will add more of my family now that I seem to have figure it out!